Find it at the Lane! The Lane Libraries provide materials, services and technology aimed at satisfying the curiosity, intellect and imagination of our patrons throughout our communities, on our website and by engaging in strategic partnerships.
Joseph Greenward
Garrett Turner
Fiscal Officer
Emmy Piatt
Branch Manager of Hamilton Lane Library
Amanda Toth
Branch Manager of Fairfield Lane Library
Rebecca Smith
Branch Manager of Oxford Lane Library
Fran Meyer
Bookmobile Services Manager
Brad Spurlock
Smith History Library & Cummins Room Manager
Amanda Bull Chafin
Community Technology Center Manager
Celeste Swanson
Youth Services Coordinator
Katrina Bate
Collection Development Manager
Carrie Mancuso
Public Relations Manager
Bryan Isay
Human Resources Manager
Chip Kruthoffer
Systems Manager
The Board of Trustees meets on the second Monday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Lane Administration Center. No board meetings are scheduled for July or August.
Jake Richards, President
Karen Whalen, Vice President
Joni Copas, Secretary
Chuck Goins
Carol Harp
Linda DiBenedetto
Brenda Dales