Large Format Printer

Large Format Printer

The large format printer can print on Vinyl signs (indoor/outdoor usage), or poster paper (indoor only), up to 50" wide. Sizes and prices vary. Also available: A large format cutter, and a grommet machine.

Large Format Printer Information
Available printing options:

Scrim Banner

(Good for outdoor and indoor usage - 13 oz. gloss)

Up to 34” - $2.00 per linear foot

34” to 50” - $4.00 per linear foot


(Indoor usage only, 6 mil thickness)
   Up to 50" - $4.00 per linear foot

Files can be printed sideways to accommodate lengths greater than 50”. Prices are rounded up to the nearest foot. Prices are subject to change without notice. 

A grommet machine is available for those that wish to use it. 

A cutter is available at no extra cost, however a one-on-one may be required for those who do not know how to set up a spot color in Adobe Illustrator. Hand cutting tools are available for use in the Makerspace if patrons would prefer.

Files can be submitted to the Tech Center via email ( or by bringing a flash drive to the Tech Center. 

Any file submitted MUST be fully print ready - sized for printing and must have cut lines included if it needs to go through the large format cutter. 

  • Acceptable file types: EPS (Adobe Illustrator file with spot color) and PDF (if it does not require use of the large format cutter).
  • Print files need to be CMYK (not RGB) in order for colors to print correctly.

If you need help with a design or adding spot color you can set up a one-on-one appointment with Tech Center staff by calling (513) 785-2727 or emailing

Staff are unable to do any graphic design work for patrons. The Tech Center is not a professional print shop and we cannot guarantee print-shop level quality of items. 

Large Format Printer submissions will be added to a queue and will be done on a first-come, first-served basis. We cannot guarantee any turn around times.